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Aim To be Pleasing to God by Aiming for Perfection!
Dear Friend & Treasured Partner,
Greetings to you in Jesus name! We Praise God for you.

Aim For Perfection!

God wants us to be holy so we are to keep clear from sexual sin, (1 Thessalonians 4:3) and be pleasing to God.

If we sin against our bodies, we are sinning against God because our bodies are the Lord's temple. So how can we sin against our bodies and be holy to God? You can't! We need to be holy and pure so we can be pleasing to the Lord.
1 corinthians 6:18 says; "flee from sexual immorality and all other sins a man commits outside of his own body. He who sins sexually sins against his own body." Our bodies are the Lord's temple.

2 corinthians 13:11 says; "Finally, brothers, aim for perfection; listen to my appeal, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you."

God wants us to aim for perfection, to live a holy life for Jesus. Not only will we be pleasing to God, but we will live in peace, with God. Now we all fall short; we all sin because we cannot be perfect. Only the Lord our God is perfect. BUT, we are to aim for perfection and do our best by not letting sin control us.

People say, "well, if I sin and then repent, I will be all right! Well, that's true because God forgives us for our sins and God knows your heart. Did you see what I just said? "GOD KNOWS YOUR HEART!" So, if you sin and repent and know you were wrong and stay away from that sin, God will forgive you. But if you have this kind of attitude, for example, well, if I go ahead and "Sleep with my best friends Husband" and then repent for it, I will be OK. You WON'T be OK because God knows your heart. God knows you are trying to use him, and he knows that you are not truly sorry for doing it, God knows your heart. If you think that way each time you sin and know you are sinning, but you think it's ok because you can just repent-well, it's not ok and you are getting further away from God each time. Before you know it, you will be so far away from God that you will get to the point that you will be left in total darkness.

Aim For Perfection!!!!!!!!!!!

So, if you know you are sinning, Stop! Don't keep doing it, thinking that it will be OK because you can just turn around and repent and still go to Heaven. Because, when you sin and keep sinning you become an enemy of God. James 4:4 tells us that you cannot be friends with the world and be friends with God, because when you become friends with the world, you become an enemy of the Lord.

Let's look at a man named Enoch. He lived a life Pleasing to God, Mater of fact He was so Pleasing to God he did not die a Phyiscal Death he walk in heaven. Enoch did not live a double life, He had both of his feet on one side of the fence. Like we need to live! Enoch did not have one foot in sin and the other with the Lord. He had both feet with the Lord and lived a Pleasing life to the Lord. Enoch was a man who lived a Holy life for Jesus. In the Bible, it does not talk much about Enoch but the one thing we learn about Enoch is that he lived to please God in everything he did, and Aimed for Perfection.

And that's what we need to do--live a life pleasing to God in everything we do and aim for Perfection.

In the book of Genesis 5, it tells us that Enoch had a lose relationship with Jesus throughout his whole life and because of it he disappeared. He did not Die! He was not kidnapped by anyone! The Lord took him up in the clouds because he had such a close relationship that he was always in the Lord's presences and Loved God. So, the Lord took him gently.

That's what we need to do as Childern of God. The ones that are still running from God need to build that close relationship with the Lord. We need to be in the Presence of the Lord in order to live a holy life, and we need to Aim for Perfection.

So we are to stay away from sexual sin, in order to be pleasing to God and to live a life for the Lord!

So we are to stay away from sexual sin, in order to be pleasing to God and to live a life for the Lord!

There is another thing that we must do in order to be pleasing to God, and that is, Do not take advantage of eachother, but fear the Lord your God.

In Leviticus 25:17 it tells us; We cannot take advantage of the weak and the poor; we have to do what the Lord would want us to do and that is to lift them up in Prayer that's pleasing to God" What's not pleasing to God is when we see someone who is weak, and we bring them down. Or if we see someone who is poor and we laugh in their face and ridicule them. No, we are to show them God's love and not take advantage of them.

Another thing that we need to do is let the Lord take revenge for us. If someone does something bad against you, don't pay them back. The Lord will pay them back for what they have done against you (Romans 12:19). So, if someone has taken advantage of you and you have so much rage and anger within you that you want to do something back to that peron because you are hurting, STOP! Let the Lord fight your battles; give them to the Lord--that is pleasing to the Lord when we stop in our angry and let God do what he wants to do. Put it all into his hands, always.

Another thing that we need to do is to be Worthy of the calling that we have received from the Lord (Ephesians 4:1) and not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is for you (Ephesians 5:17). How do we do this? By staying away from sin and by Aiming for Perfection. How can we live according to what the Lord has called us to do if we do not stay away from sin; we can't--we will wind up missing our Blessings. So in order for the Lord to do what he wants to do in our lives, We have to stay away from sin and Aim for Perfection.

So what have we learned? We have learned that in order to be pleasing to God, we have to stay away from sin and not be friends with the World, do not take advantage of anyone, Aim for Perfection, and live according to the will that God has for your Life!

So what do we have to do? We have to give up our old selves and put on the armor of salvation and walk in our salvation and be pleasing to God in everything we do. We must walk away from sin. That is Pleasing to God!

Let God take care of everything! Let God heal your heart, let God fight your battles and let God be God over your life.

I know it can be hard sometimes for the flesh to back off when someone hurts us so badly, because I have been there myself. I have lost a lot in my life that had left me broken, but God came into my life and changed me. He healed my heart and all the pain that I went through in my life, as a child and even after I was saved. We all go through things that we just cannot understand why, but if we stop trying to figure it out and Just let God have it, we will be able to live in peace and be pleasing to God.

If you can just stop running to men and earthy things to feel loved and just turn to God, you will be pleasing to God, and you will not build shame against your body. God will provide the love you need. He knows your needs!

If you just let go of everything and move forward, God will bring you out. I know because God has brought me out, and I am not free from it all. I am walking in the will of God and everything I do, I do it for the Lord. Even if I don't understand why God wants me to do something, I still do it because the Lord is my father and I am to obey my fahter.

We have to be pleasing to God in order to live a life for him.....So, let's all Aim for Perfection in our lives and let God take us over.

1 Peter 1:15-16; "But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do, for it is writen. Be holy because I am holy. (JESUS)

-Pastor Christi S Slaughter-



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